CIMB group CEO Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said “Investors should diversify their portfolios and preserve their capital under the current downbeat and uncertain economic climate. Look out for companies that are well managed. At times like this, the risk-reward equation is greatly amplified, so invest in companies with astute leadership that is well-aligned with shareholder value creation; the right managers can make highly profitable and transformative acquisitions or diversifications.”
He also cautioned investors to ensure that their asset management companies had high integrity and able to withstand temptations to be less transparent and ethical in the face of adversity.
Hmm.. Well managed companies, astute leadership, well-aligned with shareholder value creation, high integrity, transparent and ethical – love all these words.
Unfortunately we are not living in a perfect world! Thus the selection is pretty uncomplicated as there is only a handful of choices right here right now!
Definite no-no to those which are closely linked with the political parties or his big brother! These companies are the exact opposite. Worst still, they are probably managed by some Little Napoleons or some sons in law!
Perhaps, it is time to discard our investor’s cap (FD is only paying a miserable 2%, lower than inflation rate) and put on our spender’s cap!
KIFAC 2019 - Part 4
5 years ago
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