Monday, July 7, 2008

Sex, Lies and Videotape

The plot is getting thicker. The supporting casts are grabbing their equal shares of the limelight. Will it be a happy ending or a cliffhanger? World renowned producers and directors are making a beeline to our shore. Negotiations are ongoing and multi millionaire $$$ are being offered for the right to adapt these sandiwara! There are enough scripts to make more than 10 movies. Tarantino, Coppola, Ang Lee, Jackie Chan, N.Shamalyan and representatives from Pixar Animations (some characters were like cartoons) were spotted in Putrajaya and Segambut.

Some titles have been mooted. Brokeback Dsara Hill, Pulp Non Fiction, Godfather in law, Very Fatal Attraction, Three Musketeers, Crouching Saiful, Hidden Bala, Bom & Gincu, Gabra!
1 title that they were interested but could not salvage any contents was Robin Hood.

Even soundtracks have been identified. In the opening scene, Shaggy's 'Mr LOVER! Lover! Mr BOMB-astic! will be played! Other singers that will be featured are Elton John, George Michael Jimmy Somerville and Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Jailhouse Rock! will be played during the closing credit.

Anyone interested in reprising Jessica Rabbit in the spoof - Who Framed RPK Rabbit, kindly audition inside! Keeping our fingers cross that a real life Batman or Cicakman will appear to save the country!


Center Parted said...
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Center Parted said...

Hmm... Very disturbing movies these... remember they need to be rated at least an '18SX'. The gory contents will likely put Quentin Tarantino to shame, methinks!!